You can make a difference in the fight for disability rights!
RCIL makes it easy to learn about key legislation and important issues that impact disability rights.
Central to RCIL’s mission is fostering initiatives and legislation that promote fully integrated lives and total accessibility for persons with disabilities. The time for placing persons in segregated institutional settings, or sheltered workshops being paid piece rate, or fifty cents an hour, has surely passed.
RCIL weaves advocacy into every service it provides, and has several programs focused specifically on making change happen.
Want to know how you can help?
If you are interested in becoming more involved with the Statewide Systems Advocacy Network (SSAN) or becoming a volunteer, please contact the RCIL Amsterdam office at (518) 842-3561 and ask to speak with advocacy!
Stop back to this page frequently and check for the latest updates and action alerts. Contacting your local, state, and federal legislators can have a powerful impact. We urge you to take action by calling or emailing our elected officials.
There is strength in numbers. Let’s join together and make sure our messages are heard!
Click here to find out how our advocates could help you and/or those you care for!