RCIL’s Employment Services department provides assistance with job searches , and helps achieve employment for individuals living with disabilities in competitive integrated jobs by utilizing a person-centered approach combined with established business community connections and funding source relationships.
Provides you with short-term supports after achieving successful employment.
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Gateway to finding the information and resources you need to live your life your way!
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Provides specialized on-the-job training and hands-on assistance to ensure success in your new career.
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Assists you during the job seeking phase of employment to ensure appropriate job matches.
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Helps you develop and refine the skills required for successful employment and competitive pay.
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Provides you with the necessary supports to ensure your career will be a long term success.
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NY Connects You to Independence! Your trusted source for free, unbiased information and assistance!
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Provides meaningful community experiences to enhance your career building and networking skills.
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Provides intensive support after achieving successful employment.
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Supports career development for people living with disabilities who want to work and progress toward financial independence.
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